Website Launch MITWIRKEN (PARTICIPATE). Support of democ-racy projects for a diverse society.

Living democracy with the website for the MITWIRKEN funding programme of the Hertie Foundation.


Hertie-Stiftung (Hertie Foundation)

Link to the project

Project description

The Hertie Foundation's new support programme „MITWIRKEN“ (PARTICIPATE) is looking for democracy projects that shape participation, stimulate dialogue, strengthen diversity, enable participation, create transparency or convey democracy. Private initiatives, charitable associ-ations, working groups in welfare organisations or social start-ups can participate. The se-lected democracy projects are supported with a combination of funding, crowd-funding and subsequent project monitoring.

The Hertie Foundation supports democracy projects in four modules to develop - from the idea to the sustainable implementation. The challenge in designing the website was to visu-alize the different funding modules and possibilities in different phases to the target group. Via the website, projects can apply for the support programme using a comprehensive con-tact form.

Our services at a glance

  • Concept and creation
  • Design of the website
  • Implementation of the layout as TYPO3 template with bootstrap grid elements

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